Entourage was founded in 2014 by Jean-Marc Potdevin a former senior executive at Yahoo. Entourage aims to (re)create a network around the homeless, who have no more network. Entourage is one of the prominent associations that take care of homeless people using a social media app easily accessible. More than 90.000 people are now registered to help and support homeless people online and in person. Entourage also develops training materials and mass-marketing campaigns to foster support for more than 200.000 homeless people.
Contact: https://www.entourage.social
Visitatio Voisins & Soins was founded in 2017 by François Genin a former senior executive at Oracle. Visitatio aims to help people die peacefully at home instead of the hospital, by providing palliative home care. Today more than 85% people hope to end their life at home with their family, but only 25% will. Besides personal comfort of the families, the healthcare cost for the society would greatly benefit from palliative home care, by limiting hospital spend. Visitatio help families with trained professionals and volunteers. To date 120 families have been supported, and thousands more are in need. Visitatio is now developing an incubator to accelerate and scale its operations across Europe.
Contact: https://www.visitatio.org
Lazare (and Association pour l'Amitié) was founded in 2011 by Etienne Villemain. It is now led by Loic Luisetto a former lawyer at Fidal. Lazare aims to help homeless people find a home and a job by offering houses and apartments, shared between those in need and young employed professionals. Lazare not only offers a roof and a place to live, but also some precious support on healthcare, administrative, and employment matters. More than 200 volunteers are involved into 20+ houses in Paris, France and Europe. Lazare is now scaling up to double capacity including Latin America.
Contact: http://lazare.eu/a-propos/
The MAVEM center of Pediatric Hospital Armand Trousseau was founded in 2017 by Medical Professors Jean-Marie Jouannic and Michel Zerah and their teams at Trousseau and Necker hospitals in Paris. MAVEM aims to take care of and cure fetal diseases of the spine and spinal cord, such as spina bifida occulta, meningocele and myelomeningocele. MAVEM spearheads medical research for in utero surgery and stem cells, and already got spectacular results. More than 700 patients have been treated to date by MAVEM team, who now wants to scale treatments and research.
Contact : http://trousseau.aphp.fr/chirurgie-foetale-premiere-en-france-a-lhopital-trousseau-en-matiere-de-pri...
Les Maisons de Marthe & Marie (LMMM) was founded in 2008 by a midwife, Aline Dard, who was touched by the courage of mothers giving birth in extremely difficult circumstances. LMMM aims to help pregnant women who are in dire situations (poverty, homeless, loneliness, marital violence...) by offering a home and advice, in flat-sharing mode, with enthusiastic, employed and generous young female volunteers. The daily life in such helpful community allow future mums to overcome their difficulties and to discover a more balanced and joyful way of life. There are five LMMM houses already, and the association needs to scale up, as there are thousands pregnant women in need.
Contact: https://www.martheetmarie.fr
Cafés Joyeux was founded in 2014 by Yann and Lydwine Bucaille. Yann is a successful and charismatic entrepreneur, who started in 2012 to bring on-board his catamaran (Ephata) lots of disabled, under-privileged, homeless, prisoners, prostitutes, sick people... more than 7.500 to date, with the help of 70 volunteer sailors. Someday a young autist, Theo, aged 20, asked Yann: "You are the boss of your company. Can you give me a job?". This was the start of Cafés Joyeux: opening restaurants that employ a mix of valid and disabled people, to ensure reinsertion, work and social networking for those with mental illnesses. There are 5 cafés already in operation, including one on the Champs Elysées in Paris, inaugurated by President Emmanuel Macron in March 2020.
Contact: https://www.cafejoyeux.com/origine
Le Village d'Eva was founded in 2014 in Mayotte by Aurelie Arrribat, an Emergency Room Doctor, who was touched by the helplessness of young children in Mayotte in 2011. As a medical doctor, actively engaged in La Chaine de l'Espoir (hospitals for children in Mayotte), Aurelie witnessed the dramatic situation and poverty of thousands of poor children in this island of 250.000 inhabitants in the Indian Ocean. The purpose of Village d'Eva is to give access to education, schooling and activities to more than 5.000 children across 17 cities in Mayotte. Today, hundreds of children benefit from schooling in the street, social activities, basic care delivered by a growing team of volunteers.
Contact: https://levillagedeva.com
La Nuit du Bien Commun (LNBC) was founded in 2017 by three entrepreneurs, Pierre-Edouard Sterin, Stanislas Billot de Lochner and Thibault Farrenq. LNBC aims to raise funds to support NGOs and non-profit organizations that care for the common good. LNBC organizes amazing events with hundreds donors attending 'start-up' type pitches from social entrepreneurs. In the last three years, LNBC supported 40 projects, with 3.200 donors and more than € 2.5 million raised. This is unprecedented in Europe. Essential-s founder, Jean-Marc Liduena, is honored to seat on the Board of LNBC aside a team of 15 formidable and generous people.
Contact: https://lanuitdubiencommun.com
Autistes sans Frontières (ASF) was founded in 2004, through the merger of several non-profit associations taking care of autistic children. ASF aims to promote the insertion and education of autistic children into public schools with the support of dedicated caregivers in the classroom to help the teacher. It is an essential program as 1 child out of 100 (1%) is born with an autistic syndrome, and 80% of autistic children still cannot attend school today. Since 2014, more than 400 children have been supported and reinserted at school in France. ASF needs to expand across many more cities in the coming years. ASF President, Estelle Malherbe, is fully committed to launch a "mindset revolution" vis-à-vis autism, and to ensure massive support in the public opinion.
Contact: http://www.autistessansfrontieres.com
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